

学生在任何时候都应该以积极的态度代表学校. In keeping with its mission and sense of civic responsibility, the University strives to address the concerns of citizens regarding 亚洲博彩平台排名 students; therefore, 住在校外并不能规避一个人的责任,作为索尔里贾纳社区的一员,有义务遵守学生的行为准则.

那些行为不符合大学和社区标准的人将通过学生行为准则程序受到纪律处分. The state of Rhode Island, 纽波特市、米德尔敦镇和朴茨茅斯镇都有促进社区良好秩序的法律和条例. As residents of these local communities, 住在校外的学生受这些地方条例的约束,他们的行为必须与这些社区条例相一致. 违规行为的后果可能代价高昂,并可能导致永久的犯罪记录. The University will respond promptly to complaints from neighbors, law enforcement and community members and if necessary, follow with appropriate disciplinary action.


住在校外的亚洲博彩平台排名学生必须理解并认识到他们的社区有长期和永久居民, while students are transient members. 居住在纽波特的家庭有权享受合理程度的和平与宁静. 学生们应该有良好的判断力,了解邻居的需求.

While certain behavior may not violate city ordinance or law, 重要的是要记住,某些行为是大学不能容忍的. 行为包括但不限于在公共场合醉酒、行为不端、大声播放音乐等. does not meet the University good neighbor expectations.

噪声: Music and general noise should be kept at a reasonable level at all times, and be in accordance with Newport/Middletown laws and ordinances. Students are responsible for the noise created by guests.

Automobiles and parking: Students should abide by all Newport/Middletown parking regulations. Students are also expected to exercise common sense. 永远不要阻塞车道或街道,永远不要把车停在别人的财产上.

除雪: As a resident of an apartment or house, 学生须负责清除宿舍前人行道上的积雪. It is also important to pay attention to winter parking bans. 看到信息 regarding snow removal and parking bans.

垃圾: Students should abide by all Newport/Middletown trash removal procedures. 如果学生不妥善处理垃圾,他们可能会受到传票和罚款.

社会主办法: 作为一个社交东道主, 个人承担所有与饮酒相关的州和地方法律的风险和责任, 年龄, noise and public safety when guests are hosted in one's home. 法院判决可能要求主人对由于不负责任地向客人提供酒精饮料而给第三方造成的人身伤害或财产损失负责, and the liability is compounded when minors are involved. Learn more about social hosting laws.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many things you should look for when searching for an apartment. Some are seen and some are unseen. 水管怎么样?? Can you take a decent shower? How noisy is the building, street, neighborhood? Do all the appliances work? Can you regulate the thermostat or does the landlord control it? Is there adequate insulation? Are there locks on all the doors and windows? Where will you park your car? Does the building have smoke detectors? Carbon monoxide detectors?

No, you don’t need to use a rental 年龄nt. Leases can be signed directly with landlords. 然而,利用租赁代理可以让你看到更多的房源. 一定要事先询问是否有相关费用(通常房东会支付费用)。.

如果你有责任的话,Craigslist或其他网站在找房子的时候会很有用. 一些安全提示:在亲自看房子之前,千万不要兑换钱. Always make payments in trackable ways (checks, credit card payment). Never visit an apartment or meet someone from Craigslist alone.

如果你没有固定的收入来源来支付你的房租, or you do not have good credit history, it is likely that you will need a co-signer. Students will often have their parents or guardians co-sign for them.

如果你签了一份租约,但想要出国一个学期或回家过夏天,并且有12个月的租约, you may need to find a sublettor for the time you are away. 转租者通常向原租客付款,原租客再向房东付款. Most leases prohibit subletting without the landlord’s permission, 所以在转租之前一定要检查你的租赁协议或和你的房东谈谈.

如果你真的需要或想要搬出租来的公寓,你可以毁约. 然而, 在租期内,除非你找到别人代替你,否则你要负责房租. Be sure to read your lease’s cancellation policy thoroughly. 你能被取代吗?? Are you in contract for the whole term regardless?

The cost of utilities will vary depending on what type of heat, what is included in the lease, how many people are using the utilities, 等. 油是相当昂贵的,而为你的公寓供暖所需的量将取决于隔热的质量和供暖机制的效率. Make sure to ask your landlord or rental 年龄nt about typical costs.

同一租约的租户通常对该单位承担“连带责任”, meaning that everyone on the lease is treated as if they are one entity. If one roommate is unable to come up with their portion of the rent, the other roommates are responsible for making the full rent payment.

室友冲突对学生和非学生房客来说都很常见. 事先就打扫卫生之类的事情进行交谈并达成协议是个好主意, 付账单, 客人的政策, noise and use of common space. If you are having a roommate conflict off campus, 你可以向住宿生活办公室或学生办公室院长寻求帮助,帮助调解谈话或为可能需要你无法提供支持的室友提供帮助.

Off campus students still have access to events and programs on campus. 校外学生被鼓励保持与萨尔维里贾纳日历的最新,并鼓励在晚上回到校园的活动. 校园里还有几个被称为“通勤休息室”的空间,欢迎学生在课间闲逛.

In an effort to help protect the health, safety and welfare of students, neighborhood residents and property, 亚洲博彩平台排名 requires all students to submit their local addresses. 在每学期开始时,学生必须提交/确认他们的校外地址. 未能提交准确的校外地址会导致学生账户被冻结,并妨碍大学在紧急情况下找到学生或其室友的能力.

Students may arrive in Rhode Island before their lease agreement begins. 不幸的是,学校在这段时间内没有临时住房, 但学生们可以在新港内外找到临时住宿,比如酒店和Airbnb. Be sure to note the distance from campus and your apartment, and make note of public transportation available.

诈骗或欺诈的常见警告信号包括有人要求你通过西联汇款, Moneygram or prepaid Visa card. 另一个迹象可能是房东要求你在没有看到房子的情况下立即汇款. 为了你的安全, 把一切都写下来,不要在电话里透露个人银行信息.